Monday, February 4, 2008

RSS and technology in the EFL adult classroom

RSS is a very effective and useful tool, specially in education. Related to Adult classes it can save a lot of time to students who in fact do not have plenty of time. Getting shortcuts to sites of their interest is a great thing, we have to consider that some of them do not use it in a very good way, and giving them tool to make things easy is going to be very possitive.
I think that in the beggining we, as teachers, must invest time exploring and learning about this tool in order to make it available to our adult students in a good way.
Blogging can be an exellent tool to continue learning outside the class,to reinforce their knowledge and of course to keep in touch after classes at any moment they need it.


testecarla said...

Dear Christian,

You really got the essence of RSS to keep your students connected.

How do you plan to introduce the concept to your students? How could you have an aggregator for them?

I'm eagerly to know more about your ideas on that.

Mary H said...

Hi Christian,
Great to see that you have realized the power of RSS in the classroom! I agree with your comment, "..we, as teachers, must invest time exploring and learning about this tool in order to make it available to our adult students in a good way." In fact, I blogged for nearly a year for personal and professional development purposes before introducing blogs to my students. Although some are comfortable to move at a quicker pace, others take their time. Moving at our own pace, we'll find what works best for us and our teaching contexts.